- Processing
- Application
- Version 0.1
- Version 0.2
- Version 1.0
- Circles & Props
- Annotated Portfolio
- Taking Time to Search
- ReMind
- New Media, New Craft
- Distinguishing Concepts
Being the first task to be attempted within the digital media course, it was extremely difficult to establish what future content would be required. Because of this I decide to focus more on the structural and visual aspects of the websites design. I drafted out some basic pre-production diagrams in pencil to get a more rooted understanding of what my site needed to accomplish.
Figure 2: Hierarchical Diagram
Without clearly knowing what content would be included, I started by creating a website structure which may facilitate the addition of new material. For structural considerations of the entire site, I created a hierarchical diagram (Figure 2) representing how each of the pages would relate to each other. I also created a series of storyboards (Figure 3) to visualize what the page layout should look like. The majority of the design choices where made externally in adobe fireworks and then imported as image slices into Hotglue. Another main focus I had during these early stages was how the navigation system might behave. After a certain point of reflection, I decided to save what was gained from this version so far which was mainly aesthetic elements, and start a fresh from a different approach in v0.2
Certainly the preparation stages has its place in any project development but they were executed slightly premature, with other stages of development requiring considered before this such as 'Content Requirement'. Evident from the storyboard, I also focused too much on the overall visual side of the portfolio which lead to an unfocused goal. For these reason, I re-evaluated my approach to the project within v0.2 in which I would carry out further research and follow a more rigorous plan.
Figure 3: Storyboards